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  •     Bunionette Deformity (Tailor's Bunion)                                  Dr. KS DhillonIntroductionBunionette refers to a prominence on the lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsal head. It may or may not be symptomatic. Bunionettes have traditionally been referred to as “tailor’s bunion” since it is prevalent among tailors, who sit cross-legged all day with the lateral edge… Read more »
  •              Erysipelas                                  Dr. KS DhillonIntroductionErysipelas is a skin infection that involves the dermis layer of the skin. It can also extend to the superficial cutaneous lymphatics. Erysipelas is characterized by an area of erythema which is well-demarcated and raised. It usually affects the lower extremities, with the face being the second… Read more »
  •                      Necrotizing Fasciitis                                DR KS DhillonIntroductionIn 1871 Jones first described necrotizing skin infections. At the time the term hospital gangrene was generally used (1). Wilson coined the term necrotizing fasciitis (NF) in the 1950s to describe necrosis of the fascia and subcutaneous tissue with relative sparing of the underlying muscle (2). In… Read more »
  •  Lateral Patellar Compression Syndrome                                  Dr. KS DhillonAmong young and active individuals anterior knee pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints (1-3). The constant anterior knee pain can be disabling and it can limit daily functional activities. The pathogenesis of anterior knee pain is multifactorial. Primary contributors to this… Read more »
  •                   Apert Syndrome                                     Dr. KS DhillonIntroductionApert syndrome is a genetically inherited syndrome that is characterized by craniosynostosis due to premature fusion of coronal sutures which results in syndactyly and skull and facial deformities. The syndrome was first described by French physician Eugene Apert in 1906. He described nine people with similar facial… Read more »
  •           Pseudogout (CPPD)                               Dr. KS DhillonIntroductionThe ‘pseudogout syndrome’ was first described in 1962 by Kohn et al (1). The description accurately depicts acute attacks of synovitis induced by calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals. It clinically resembles gouty arthritis due to monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposition. CPPD deposition can cause symptoms similar… Read more »
  •           Trigger Finger                                   DR KS DhillonIntroductionTrigger finger (TF) is one of the most common upper limb problems. It is the most common cause of hand pain and disability. It is caused by thickening of the flexor tendon within the distal aspect of the palm [1,2]. This thickening causes abnormal gliding of the… Read more »
  •                     Snapping Hip (Coxa Saltans)                                    DR KS DhillonIntroductionSnapping hip syndrome is also known as coxa saltans or dancer’s hip. It is a clinical condition characterized by an audible or palpable snapping sensation that is heard during movement of the hip joint. The snapping hip has multiple etiologies and is classified based on… Read more »
  •     Radioulnar Synostosis                                DR KS DhillonIntroductionOsseous union or synostosis, of any two bones adjacent to each other, can involve any part of the upper extremity. Synostosis between the ulna and radius can take two general forms i.e. posttraumatic and congenital. Each form may be further classified into subtypes.Sandifort in 1793,… Read more »
  •                        Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome                                DR KS DhillonIntroductionThe tarsal tunnel syndrome was first described by Keck and Lam in 1962. It is a condition that is caused by compression of the tibial nerve or its associated branches as the nerve passes beneath the flexor retinaculum at the level of the ankle or… Read more »
  •                            Morton's Neuroma                                 Dr. KS DhillonIntroductionMorton neuroma is also known as interdigital neuroma. It was first described in 1876. There is perineural fibrosis and nerve degeneration of the common digital nerve in the foot [1,2].  Morton’s neuroma, or Morton neuroma, is not a true neuroma. There is neuropathic pain in the distribution… Read more »
  •                              Myositis Ossificans                                     Dr. KS DhillonIntroductionMyositis ossificans (MO) is an inflammatory ossification of muscle. In 1905, Jones and Morgan [1] raised the question of whether a benign ossifying tumor following trauma was a true inflammatory neoplastic entity. In 1913, Coley [2] reported three cases of traumatic MO. He recognized the difficulty of… Read more »