
Abordaje Anterior de Tobillo

Abordaje Posteromedial de Tobillo

Tratamiento de las fracturas de pilón tibial

Tratamiento de una Fractura trimaleolar de tobillo 44B3

R3 Foot Teaser

Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Management of the Lisfranc pathology - Mr. Jim Carmichael

Preview: Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Arthrodesis of Bunion - Dr. Laurence Rubin

Preview: Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Bunion Surgery - Dr. Laurence Rubin

Preview: Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Pathophysiology and Understanding Lapidus Arthrodesis

Preview: Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Surgical Technique of Lapidus Arthrodesis - Dr. C.Plaass

Preview: Medartis Solidarity Webinar - Akin Osteotomy - Dr. Laurence Rubin

Medartis Webinar - Management of ankle osteoarthritis by Akira Taniguchi

Medartis Webinar - First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis - Dr. Alexander Godoy Santos

Medartis Webinar – Scarf Rotacional Como consigo corrigir a pronação – with Dr. Tiago Baumfeld

Medartis Webinar - Managing difficult scenarios in ankle & pilon fract. - Dr. M. Herrera

Biomechanics of Ilizarov Fixator

Biomechanics Lecture: principles of biomechanics

Biomechanics of Knee and its implication in Total Knee Arthroplasty

Biology and anatomy of flexor tendon: biomechanics

Biomechanics of the Hip Joint

Kinderlieder und lernen Farben lernen Farben Baby spielen Spielzeug Entertainment Kinderreime 9

Nursery Rhymes for Children | Cartoon Videos for Kids | Songs for Babies by Little Treehouse


Intramedullary Fixation using the Advanced Proximal Femoral Nailing System TFNA

Fixation Using the LCP Pediatric Hip Plate 130°

Enclouage intramédullaire avec le PFNA

Femoral Neck - Fracture - Fixation Using the 7.3 mm Cannulated Screw

Tibia - Fracture - Intramedullary Nailing with the Expert Tibial Nail (With Reaming)

Olecranon - Fracture Fixation Using Tension Band Wiring

Femur, Proximal – Trochanteric Fractures – Stabilization Using the Dynamic Hip Screw DHS with ULTSP

Femur, Shaft - Fracture 32B2 - Intramedullary Nailing With the Expert Lateral Femoral Nail (LFN)

Radius, Distal - Fracture - Small External Fixator: Wrist-spanning Frame

Common mistakes that happen when performing osteosynthesis techniques

Lateral Clavicle - Dislocations and Fractures - The LCP Clavicle Hook Plate

Fracture Du Col Du Fémur - Fixation Avec La Vis Cannelé de 7,3 mm

Tibia - Intraarticular Fracture - Large External Fixator- Ankle-bridging Delta Frame

Malleolus - Type B Malleolar Fracture 44B - Plate Fixation

Tibia, Plateau - Bicondylar Fracture C3 - LCP 4.5/5.0 Proximal Tibia Plate & Bone Substitute

Anatomic All Inside ACL Reconstruction by Direct Measurement

HTO ContourLock HTO Plate with ACP treated OSferion

Voorste kruisband reconstructie 'all inside'

PushLock knotless

Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair

CROSS MIC - Sistema Niti Cross de Micromed System

Osteomic - Sistema para osteoalineación tibial de Micromed System

Armic express + Endomic Max Pin de clavícula de Micromed System

Strong Peek de Micromed System

Osteomic de Micromed System

Terminal RF de Micromed System

Microradius de Micromed System

Cross Peek de Micromed System

Micromed System, video de apertura de presentaciones

Sidewinder-Expander live FluroScan

Sidewinder, Expander and Crimper in Surgery

Sidewinder Expander in Surgery

Sidewinder and Expander Animation

Sidewinder Expander Tool Under X-RAY

TriLock Explanation

All-Dorsal Scapholunate Reconstruction with InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Repair

Headless Compression Screw – Scaphoid

Distal Radius Fracture Repair

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

Thumb UCL Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation

Compression FT Intramedullary FX Fixation

Wrist Spanning Plate Technique

NanoScope™ Nano Operative Arthroscopy System

Mini CFS Mini Comprehensive Fixation System


Customized 3D printed Talus Implant

Mandibular Reconstruction using Fibula Graft

Fibula Flap Surgery animation using 3D printed patient specific surgical guide

Cranioplasty – Customised Cranial Prosthesis

Jaw Contouring - Customized 3d Printed Guides